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What is arthritic big toe?

Commonly known as arthritic big toe, hallux rigidus is a joint disorder that is a form of degenerative arthritis. Let’s break it down:

  • “Hallux” means big toe and “rigidus” indicates immobility
  • Location: near the base of the big toe

What are the symptoms? 

The primary symptoms associated with hallux rigidus are uncomfortable pain, joint stiffness, and difficulty bending the big toe. Since the big toe is a key area of the foot and is used in our daily activities from walking to climbing to standing, this disorder can cause great concern for patients due to the immobility that can unfold. Many patients confuse arthritic big toe with bunions, and although they affect the same joint, each requires a very bespoke treatment.

Left untreated, hallux rigidus can decrease the big toe’s range of motion as time progresses. At the earlier stage, the condition can be referred to as hallux limitus, since the movement of the big toe is only slightly limited. As the condition advances and movement decreases, the big toe can reach the end stage, rigidus.

How is a diagnosis made?

Like many disorders, the sooner hallux rigidus is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. Patients should make an appointment to see a specialized doctor when symptoms first present, otherwise, there is a risk of bone spurs developing and increased difficulty of treatment.
During an appointment, Dr Amir will examine the patient’s feet and move the toe gently to determine its range of motion. X-rays can help uncover the extent of the arthritis present, and also help evaluate bone spurs and abnormalities that may be present.

When is surgery needed?

In some cases, surgery is the best way to eliminate or reduce pain. In selecting the correct procedure(s) for each particular case, Dr Amir will take into consideration the extent of the patient’s deformity based on the X-ray findings, age, activity level, and other relevant factors. Depending on the procedure(s), the length of the recovery period will vary.