Painful Bunions

Mel is an active 39 year old who presented to Ozan with painful bunions. Both sides of the family have bunions including Mels brother. Mel had noticed that they were becoming larger and painful, and for these reasons opted to have surgery. Other forms of conservative care had failed and currently, only surgery can get rid of the ‘bump’.
These pictures were taken just prior to and immediately after surgery.
painful bunions painful bunions painful bunions painful bunions
Jen, a very healthy 63 year, like Mel also inherited a foot type that predisposes to bunions. Jen underwent reconstructive surgery to re-position the joint ‘back into the foot’. Many people think that the bump is ‘chopped off’, however this is not the case. The bump is actually re-positioned to its normal position and the soft tissue is re-balanced to prevent recurrence of the bunion. The post-operative pictures  were taken immediately after surgery and at 3 months.
painful bunions painful bunions painful bunions