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What is flatfoot?

Flatfoot is a condition in which the entire bottom area of the foot naturally touches the ground when in a natural standing position. People with flatfoot have very low arches. This condition can develop naturally or can be due to injury and can be broadly classified into two categories:

  • Flexible in nature
  • Rigid in nature

How is a diagnosis made?

Since flatfoot is easily visible to the naked eye, diagnosis is not complicated. Most often, the type of flatfoot is determined through clinical testing. In some instances, Dr Amir may order X-rays to determine the severity of the deformity.

What are the treatment options?

The majority of patients will have flexibility with their flatfoot. This means that treatment would comprise of custom-made orthoses and specific exercises to alleviate pain or discomfort. Dr Amir works closely with nearby podiatrists and can provide a reference to fabricate custom orthoses.


When is surgery needed?


In the unlikely event that conservative care does not alleviate symptoms of pain, Dr Amir will order the appropriate X-rays to determine the severity of the deformity. 

There are several surgical procedures available to correct and restore the alignment of the flatfoot. A common, minimally invasive procedure is called the hyprocure extra-articular subtalar joint implants. There are also many other ‘traditional open’ tendon and bone re-alignment procedures. Dr Amir will discuss in-depth with the patient which procedure(s) is best suited for their particular treatment plan so that the patient can make an informed decision.